GROOVY JAM SHOES (12" Vinyl, CD, digital)
Released: Mart 31/2015
Type: Studio Album
Published by: COLD BUSTED (USA)
Price: $18
Available at: Click here to buy.
Sofia Street Lights
01:21 -
00:57 -
Hey Girl
01:14 -
01:28 -
Keep The Groove
01:19 -
01:08 -
All I Want is All You Want
01:12 -
Be Bop Alien
01:18 -
No More
01:09 -
Rhythm by Rhythm
01:03 -
By Myself
00:51 -
You Will Be Done
01:01 - Total tracks: 12
Koka Mass Jazz is the solo-project-turned-party from Konstantin Katsarski and a band of musicians. Listeners can expect this talented group's work to cover styles ranging across funky breaks, nu jazz, funk, soul, and even a bit of afro-beat. After a warm reception for their first single "Smile", they continue the party in true, feel-good funk fashion on their new twelve track album Groovy Jam Shoes. Highlights include the limb-liberating cut "Freedom", the fierce percussive workout "Rhythm By Rhythm", a commandingly delivered "Keep The Groove", and the introspective cool down of "You Will Be Done" to finish things off.
Vocals - Denitsa 'Sihaya' Georgieva, Saxophone - Dimitar Lyolev, Guitar - Georgi Yanev, Trumpet - Martin Tashev, Bass - Petko Slavov (1,2,6,7,8,9,11,12), Bass - Borislav Stroukanski (3,4,5), Piano - Milen Kukosharov, Drums, Percussion & Keyboards - Konstantin Katsarski
Recorded at Blubabox Studio - Sofia, BG / Mixed by Konstantin Katsarski / Mastered by Misjah@24Mastering, NL
Koka Mass Jazz Logo by Plamen Kovachev